Our Services
Working closely with our clients and key people within the environmental field, we aim to provide innovative and expert advice that is pragmatic and solutions-focused.
Ecological Assessment
ReconEco ecologists are Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) accredited and offer numerous survey and assessment services including:
- General flora and fauna survey and assessments
- Target threatened species surveys
- Habitat replacement plans and monitoring
- Reviews of Environmental Factors (REFs)
- Pre-clearing surveys and clearing supervision
- Threatened species management plans
- Ecological constraints reporting
- Mapping of threatened species, populations and endangered ecological communities
Conservation detection Dogs
ReconEco offers survey services using professionally certified conservation detection dogs Jet and Candy, trained in the detection of red imported fire ants, yellow crazy ants, koala pellets, fox scent and feral cat scent. Dog Detection services include:
- Red Imported Fire Ant & Yellow Crazy Ant occurence surveys
- Koala occurence surveys
- Pre-clearing Koala surveys
- Feral animal management plans
- Feral cat location and eradication
- Fox den/activity location and eradication
Vegetation and Habitat Management
ReconEco can provide specialist advice on the management and restoration of vegetation communities including assessment, planning and implementation of management/revegetation programs. We offer the following vegetation management and restoration services:
- Weed survey and mapping
- Landscape and constraints mapping
- Vegetation and habitat condition assessment
- Nest box plans and installation
- Design and implementation of vegetation management plans including:
- Vegetation restoration plans
- Revegetation plans
- Weed management plans
Feral Animal Management
ReconEco has extensive experience in the monitoring and management of feral pigs, foxes, feral cats, wild dogs, rabbits/hares and cane toads. We offer comprehensive vertebrate pest management plans and services including:
- Development and implementation of vertebrate pest management plans
- Sand-pad monitoring
- Infra-red camera monitoring
- Soft-jaw leg-hold trapping
- Cage trapping
- 1080 baiting
- Radio tracking
- Contract shooting
- Hoggone Hopper sodium nitrite baiting